Commit 4a15a669 by Tobias Fuchs

containers_cpp: fixed cpplint warnings

parent 9e2febab
......@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ const ChunkDescriptor<RAI>
if (index <= bigger_chunk_count_) {
prec_elements_count = index * (standard_chunk_size_ + 1);
} else {
prec_elements_count =
(standard_chunk_size_ + 1) * bigger_chunk_count_ +
prec_elements_count =
(standard_chunk_size_ + 1) * bigger_chunk_count_ +
(standard_chunk_size_ * (index - bigger_chunk_count_));
size_t cur_elements_count = (index < bigger_chunk_count_)
......@@ -133,4 +133,5 @@ void PartitionerTest::TestLargeRange() {
last_value_prev = last_value;
\ No newline at end of file
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