Commit 46cfbb24 by Christian Kern

Add concept documentation

parent 44cc89cd
......@@ -34,6 +34,60 @@
namespace embb {
namespace base {
* \defgroup CPP_CONCEPTS_MUTEX Mutex Concept
* \brief Concept for thread synchronization.
* \ingroup CPP_CONCEPT
* \{
* \par Description
* The mutex concept is a concept for thread synchronization. It provides a
* lock. At any point in time, only one thread can exclusively hold the lock and
* the lock is held, until the thread explicitly releases the beforehand
* acquired lock.
* \par Requirements
* - Let \c Mutex be the mutex type
* - Let \c m be an object of type \c Mutex.
* \par Valid Expressions
* <table>
* <tr>
* <th>Expression</th>
* <th>Return type</th>
* <th>Description</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Mutex()</td>
* <td>\c void</td>
* <td>Constructs a mutex.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>m.TryLock()</td>
* <td>\c bool</td>
* <td>Tries to lock the mutex and immediately returns. Returns \c false, if
* the mutex could not be acquired (locked), otherwise \c true.
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>m.Lock()</td>
* <td>\c void</td>
* <td>Locks the mutex. When the mutex is already locked, the current thread
* is blocked until the mutex is unlocked.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>m.Unlock()</td>
* <td>\c void</td>
* <td>Unlocks the mutex.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \}
* \defgroup CPP_BASE_MUTEX Mutex and Lock
* Mutexes and locks for thread synchronization.
......@@ -113,17 +167,11 @@ class MutexBase {
} // namespace internal
* \defgroup CPP_BASE_SPINLOCK Spinlock
* Spinlock for thread synchronization.
* \ingroup CPP_BASE
* Spinlock
* \ingroup CPP_BASE_MUTEX
class Spinlock {
......@@ -172,7 +220,10 @@ class Spinlock {
* \threadsafe
* \see Lock(), Unlock()
bool TryLock(unsigned int number_spins = 1) {
bool TryLock(
unsigned int number_spins = 1
/**< [IN] Maximal spins to perform, trying to acquire lock */
) {
int status = embb_spin_try_lock(&spinlock_, number_spins);
if (status == EMBB_BUSY){
......@@ -223,6 +274,8 @@ class Spinlock {
* \see RecursiveMutex
* \ingroup CPP_BASE_MUTEX
class Mutex : public internal::MutexBase {
......@@ -292,6 +345,8 @@ class Mutex : public internal::MutexBase {
* \see Mutex
* \ingroup CPP_BASE_MUTEX
class RecursiveMutex : public internal::MutexBase {
......@@ -351,8 +406,10 @@ class RecursiveMutex : public internal::MutexBase {
* The mutex is locked on construction and unlocked on leaving the scope of the
* lock.
* \tparam Mutex Used mutex type
* \see Mutex, UniqueLock
* \tparam Mutex Used mutex type. Has to fulfil the
* \ref CPP_CONCEPTS_MUTEX_ANCHOR "Mutex Concept".
* \see UniqueLock
* \ingroup CPP_BASE_MUTEX
template<typename Mutex = embb::base::Mutex>
......@@ -450,7 +507,8 @@ const AdoptLockTag adopt_lock = AdoptLockTag();
* \notthreadsafe
* \see Mutex, LockGuard
* \tparam Mutex Used mutex type
* \tparam Mutex Used mutex type. Has to fulfil the
* \ref CPP_CONCEPTS_MUTEX_ANCHOR "Mutex Concept".
* \ingroup CPP_BASE_MUTEX
template<typename Mutex = embb::base::Mutex>
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