Commit 07ba251e by Mike

forgot to push: small changes in atomics (variable name) and time.c

parent ac1d3297
......@@ -137,14 +137,13 @@ EMBB_DEFINE_AND_ASSIGN(4, "")
uint32_t width = sizeof(value) == sizeof(uint32_t) ? 31 : sizeof(value) * 8; \
register uint64_t e_ins = ((uint64_t)width << 32) | pos; \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("dsync\n\t" \
"mov.a %[pointer_to_value], %[add]\n\t" \
"loop_%=:\tld.w %H0, [%2]0\n\t" \
"insert %L0, %H0, %[value], %A1\n\t" \
"and %L0, %H0\n\t" \
"cmpswap.w [%2]0, %A0\n\t" \
"jne %H0, %L0, loop_%=" \
: "+d"(e_reg), [e_ins]"+d"(e_ins) \
: [pointer_to_value]"a"(pointer_to_value), [value] "r" (value), [add] "d" (add) \
: [add]"a"(add), [value] "r" (value) \
: "memory"); \
......@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ EMBB_DEFINE_FETCH_AND_ADD(4, "")
uint32_t width = sizeof(new_value) == sizeof(uint32_t) ? 31 : sizeof(new_value) * 8; \
register uint64_t e_mask = ((uint64_t)width << 32) | pos; \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("dsync\n\t" \
"mov.a %[pointer_to_value], %[add]\n\t" \
"loop_%=:\tld.w %H0, [%3]0\n\t" \
"insert %L0, %L0, %[new_value], %A1\n\t" \
"add" EMBB_ATOMIC_TC_SIZE_SUFFIX " %L0, %L0, %H0\n\t" \
......@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ EMBB_DEFINE_FETCH_AND_ADD(4, "")
"jne %H0, %L0, loop_%=\n\t" \
"extr %[result], %H0, %A1" \
: "+d"(e_reg), [e_mask]"+d"(e_mask), [result] "=&d" (result) \
: [pointer_to_value]"a"(pointer_to_value), [new_value] "r" (new_value), [add] "d" (add) \
: [add]"a"(add), [new_value] "r" (new_value) \
: "memory"); \
return result; \
......@@ -122,14 +122,13 @@ EMBB_DEFINE_OR_ASSIGN(4, "")
uint32_t width = sizeof(value) == sizeof(uint32_t) ? 31 : sizeof(value) * 8; \
register uint64_t e_ins = ((uint64_t)width << 32) | pos; \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("dsync\n\t" \
"mov.a %[pointer_to_value], %[add]\n\t" \
"loop_%=:\tld.w %H0, [%2]0\n\t" \
"insert %L0, %L0, %[value], %A1\n\t" \
"or %L0, %H0\n\t" \
"cmpswap.w [%2]0, %A0\n\t" \
"jne %H0, %L0, loop_%=" \
: "+d"(e_reg), [e_ins]"+d"(e_ins) \
: [pointer_to_value]"a"(pointer_to_value), [value] "r" (value), [add] "d" (add) \
: [add]"a"(add), [value] "r" (value) \
: "memory"); \
......@@ -125,14 +125,13 @@ EMBB_DEFINE_XOR_ASSIGN(4, "")
uint32_t width = sizeof(value) == sizeof(uint32_t) ? 31 : sizeof(value) * 8; \
register uint64_t e_ins = ((uint64_t)width << 32) | pos; \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("dsync\n\t" \
"mov.a %[pointer_to_value], %[add]\n\t" \
"loop_%=:\tld.w %H0, [%2]0\n\t" \
"insert %L0, %L0, %[value], %A1\n\t" \
"xor %L0, %H0\n\t" \
"cmpswap.w [%2]0, %A0\n\t" \
"jne %H0, %L0, loop_%=" \
: "+d"(e_reg), [e_ins]"+d"(e_ins) \
: [pointer_to_value]"a"(pointer_to_value), [value] "r" (value), [add] "d" (add) \
: [add]"a"(add), [value] "r" (value) \
: "memory"); \
......@@ -114,18 +114,16 @@ int embb_time_in(embb_time_t* time, const embb_duration_t* duration) {
return EMBB_ERROR;
uint64_t ticks_count = xTaskGetTickCount();
time->seconds = ticks_count / configTICK_RATE_HZ;
time->nanoseconds = ((ticks_count % configTICK_RATE_HZ) * 1000000000ul)/configTICK_RATE_HZ;
uint32_t ticks_count = xTaskGetTickCount();
time->seconds = ticks_count;
ticks_count = (uint64_t)(duration->seconds *configTICK_RATE_HZ + (duration->nanoseconds * configTICK_RATE_HZ / 1000000000ul));
uint64_t duration_ticks = (uint64_t)(duration->seconds *configTICK_RATE_HZ + (duration->nanoseconds * configTICK_RATE_HZ / 1000000000ul));
if (ticks_count > UINT32_MAX || time->seconds + duration->seconds > EMBB_TIME_MAX_SECONDS) {
if ( (uint64_t) (time->seconds + duration_ticks) > UINT32_MAX) {
time->seconds += duration->seconds;
time->nanoseconds += duration->nanoseconds;
time->seconds += duration_ticks;
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