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Embedded Multicore Building Blocks (EMB²)
2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Version 0.3.1

### Features:
- None

### Changes and improvements:
- Removed one function argument from algorithms::Invoke
- Added "explicit" specifier to base type constructor of Atomic<BaseType*>
- Added "const" qualifier to dereference operator and member access operator of AtomicPointer<>
- Changed AtomicBase<>::CompareAndSwap to atomically return expected value
- Replaced constant in with corresponding macro
- Added initialization of atomic variable in to avoid warning with GCC 5.1
- Changed initial value of allocated_object_from_different_thread
- Added tests for ID Pool and check for memory leaks
- Updated unit test for the UniqueLock::Swap

### Bug fixes:
- Fixed implementation of ID pool (provided fewer elements than specified by capacity)
- Fixed unsigned overflow bug in timed wait function of condition variables
- Fixed implementation of UniqueLock::Swap

### Build system:
- Improved CMake output for automatic initialization option
- Fixed cpplint and unsigned/signed warnings

### Documentation:
- Fixed documentation of UniqueLock class
- Updated README file

Version 0.3.0
36 37

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
### Features:
- mtapi_c:
    - Implemented action plugin API
    - Implemented load balancing for distributed/heterogeneous systems
    - Implemented OpenCL action plugin
    - Implemented network action plugin
- mtapi_cpp:
    - Added support for distributed/heterogeneous systems

### Changes and improvements:
- mtapi_c:
    - Added multi-instance task support and test
    - Improved notification of worker threads
- mtapi_cpp:
    - Moved interface for homogeneous systems to tasks_cpp
- base_cpp:
    - Moved tick types to internal namespace and added duration typedefs
- dataflow_cpp:
    - Removed spinlocks
    - Simplified registration of processes (only sources need to be added)
    - Increased number of task queues in unit test
    - Added assertion in unit test
    - Improved exception handling
    - Removed stray include
    - Refactored to use tasks_cpp
- algorithms_cpp:
    - Restricted partitioners to random access iterators
    - Added unit tests for partitioners on large ranges
    - Refactored to use tasks_cpp

### Bug fixes:
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
- Fixed unit test for dataflow_cpp
- Fixed wait-free SPSC queue

### Build system:
- Fixed compilation for newer CMake Versions (>= 3.1)
- Changed task test to avoid Jenkins timeout
- Changed CMakeLists to avoid error if policy is unknown
- Added mtapi_network_c and mtapi_opencl_c to root CMakeLists
- Added tasks_cpp to test scripts / batch file
- Fixed cpplint warnings

### Documentation:
- Extended tutorial and examples regarding support for distributed/heterogeneous systems including plugins and new task interface
- Added Doxygen documentation for mtapi_opencl_c and mtapi_network_c
- Added Doxygen documentation to mtapi_ext.h
- Updated README and removed limitation to homogeneous systems
- Added missing concurrency tags in mtapi_cpp

Version 0.2.3

### Features:
- None
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

### Changes and improvements:
- Changed use of partitioners in ForEach, Reduce, Scan, Count, and MergeSort
- Added guard definition to QuickSort and MergeSort requiring random access iterators as inputs
- Unified behavior of algorithms on empty input
- Cleaned up MergeSort and Scan
- Extended computation of number of cores to take into account affinities
- Changed MTAPI_CHECK_STATUS in examples to use exit() instead of abort()
- Added overload for std::exception::what() in embb::base::Exception
- Added missing include in
- Added tests for Thread::ID (base_cpp), ExecutionPolicy (mtapi_cpp), and error cases in mtapi_c
- Added tests on empty and negative input ranges in algorithms

106 107 108 109
### Bug fixes:
- Fixed freeing of temporary buffer in MergeSortAllocate
- Fixed minor bugs in mtapi_c
- Fixed paths in template
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

### Build system:
- Added option to CMake to toggle automatic initialization of MTAPI C++ interface
- Changed run_tests_cygwin script to work with /bin/sh
- Modified script for completely automatic tarball creation
- Removed cppcheck warnings
- Removed cpplint warnings
- Updated partest

### Documentation:
- Added paragraphs in tutorial and README regarding performance impact of automatic initialization of MTAPI C++ interface
- Removed automatic collapsing of trees in Doxygen documentation due to incompatibility with latest versions of Doxygen
- Modified reference manual to consistently use function object concept
- Added description of default node attributes in mtapi_c and fixed typo in mtapi_cpp documentation
- Modified paragraph on documentation in README and fixed typo

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Version 0.2.2

130 131
### Features:
- None
132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143

### Changes and improvements:
- Added checks for memory leaks in tests
- Added block size support in MergeSort
- Renamed all platform specific defines to EMBB_PLATFORM_*
- Changed all checks for platform specific defines to checks for EMBB_* defines
- Replaced C++11 initializer lists in examples with C++03 compliant statements
- Extended unit tests for MPMC queue with checks for relative order
- Added check for result of pthread_attr_destroy
- Added assert in embb_tss_get
- Moved ExecutionPolicy from algorithms to mtapi_cpp, removed Affinity

144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
### Bug fixes:
- Fixed 64bit problem in atomics
- Fixed bug in dataflow_cpp causing network to hang
- Fixed bug in conversion of core_set
- Fixed fetch-and-add implementation to support armv7-a
- Fixed missing freeing of mutex attributes in case of error
- Fixed bug where closure was allocated with Allocation::New but deleted with operator delete
- Fixed inconsistent naming of unit test cases
- Fixed memory allocation in hazard pointer implementation by replacing calls to new and delete with EMB²-specific functions
- Fixed memory leak in tests for containers
- Fixed affinity implementation for FreeBSD
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162

### Build system:
- Removed cppcheck warnings
- Removed cpplint warnings

### Documentation:
- Improved documentation of default values and priorities
- Revised template argument names in base_cpp and containers_cpp
- Moved ExecutionPolicy to CPP_MTAPI and Identity to CPP_ALGORITHMS Doxygen group
164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
- Fixed description of token limit in tutorial
- Added Clang support to README
- Mentioned the ability to cross compile in README
- Added link to release files in README
- Minor corrections in README
- Updated copyright notice
- Changed year in tutorial.tex to 2015

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Version 0.2.1

176 177 178 179 180 181
### Features:
- Added embb_core_count_available() implementation for FreeBSD.

### Changes and improvements:
- None

182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
### Bug fixes:
- Fixed implementation of atomic operations on ARM.
- Fixed bug in HelpScan routine of hazard pointer implementation.
- Replaced inclusion of non-standard header malloc.h with stdlib.h.

### Build system:
- Added initial support for Clang.
- Added initial support for Travis.
- Fixed "Policy CMP0026 is not set" warning of CMake >= 3.0.2.
- Made build independent of build-dir / source-dir location.
- Fixed remaining GCC, Clang, MSVC, and cpplint warnings.
- Replaced /bin/bash with /usr/bin/env bash in scripts.
- Added executable flag to shell scripts.
- Omitted Doxygen "Makefiles" from tarball.
- Included patchlevel in name of installation directory on Linux.
- Added LaTeX .bbl and .blg files to ignore list.

### Documentation:
- Updated README file, created CHANGELOG file, and added markdown support.
- Corrected license in COPYING file (BSD 2-clause).
202 203 204 205 206 207
- Changed default Doxygen level for API to two.
- Added check for (if not present, do not add Doxygen target).
- Added PDF image of building blocks and updated tutorial.tex.
- Fixed typos and wording.

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Version 0.2.0

- Initial version of open source release