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Michael Schmid committed
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Copyright (C) nemadesign GbR
$Rev: 80 $   
$Date: 2014-09-08 21:22:10 +0200 (Mo, 08. Sep 2014) $

Things to consider
In case of a wrong linf for the 'Bilbiography' 
entry, add this before the '\addcontentsline{toc}{...}{...}:

-------- BEGIN ---------
% generate TOC
--------- END ----------

New macros

Add picture above chapter title

_TEXT_  : title for the chapter
_PIC_   : image file 
_WIDTH_ : relative width of text (1.0 equals text width)
_LABEL_ : name for the label of the chapter

\chapterpicnum{Das Kapitel}{gfx/siemens-logo-wallpaper-1024x597.jpg}{0.5}
\chapterpicnonum{text text text}{gfx/siemens-logo-wallpaper-1024x597.jpg}{0.3}


Add picture right to chapter title

_TEXT_  : title for the chapter
_PIC_   : image file 
_WIDTH_ : relative width of text (1.0 equals text width)
_LABEL_ : name for the label of the chapter

\chapterpicrightnum{Chapter with Picture}{gfx/siemens-logo-wallpaper-1024x597.jpg}{0.5}
\chapterpicrightnonum{Chapter* with Picture}{gfx/siemens-logo-wallpaper-1024x597.jpg}{0.4}



Chapter title with picture and teaser text.

In single column layout: white teaser text in grey box.
In double column layout: grey teaser text in white box.

_TEXT_  : title for the chapter
_PIC_   : image file 
_WIDTH_ : relative width of text (1.0 equals text width)
_LABEL_ : name for the label of the chapter
_TEASE_ : teaser text
\chapterpicteasernum{Chapter \& Picture \& Teaser}{gfx/siemens-logo-wallpaper-1024x597.jpg}{0.5}{Text}
\chapterpicteasernonum{Chapter* \& Picture \& Teaser}{gfx/siemens-logo-wallpaper-1024x597.jpg}{0.4}{Text}


Add table of contents with picture

_TEXT_  : title for the chapter
_PIC_   : tmage file 
_WIDTH_ : relative width of text (1.0 equals text width)



Generate a titlepage

_PIC_    : image file (must be of square dimensions!)
_TEXT1_  : text above title
_TEXT2_  : text for title

\gentitlepage{gfx/Infineon-Baseband-Chip-X618.jpg}{Some text here}{Very long title for this Document Over Two Lines}

Generate a titlepage without a picture

_TEXT1_  : text above title
_TEXT2_  : text for title

\gentitlepagenopic{Some text here}{Very long title for this Document Over Two Lines}

Generate a backpage

_TEXT_  : white text

\genbackpage{Siemens AG}


Set short title in header

_TEXT_  : text for short title

\renewcommand{\shorttitle}{Short title for paper}

Set date in short title

_TEXT_  : text for date in short title, default is \today


Set date in short title

_TEXT_  : text for date in copyright line on last page ,default is \today


Used LaTeX packages
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks=false]{hyperref}
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks=false]{hyperref}

These packages are only used in the demo documents: