tutorial.tex 5.64 KB
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Michael Schmid committed
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% Document class
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% Packages
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\usepackage{pifont} % for \myCheck, \myCross
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% TikZ
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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% Document specific macros and settings
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\newcommand{\leadingzero}[1]{\ifnum #1<10 0\the#1\else\the#1\fi}
\newcommand{\monthword}[1]{\ifcase#1\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Dataflow process networks
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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\newcommand{\dpnjun}[1]{\node [junction] (#1) {};}

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\input{customize} % To get template specific stuff

% Set title and author
% short title is used on the front cover and on each page header
\renewcommand{\shorttitle}{\embb Introduction and Tutorial}
% short date is printed on each page header, right next to short title
\renewcommand{\shortdate}{\monthword{\month} \the\year}
% copyright date is printed on the back cover
% 1st paramter: a square(!) picture
% 2nd parameter: short tile (one line)
% 3rd parameter: long title (up to two lines)
\gentitlepage{pics/chicago-square.jpg}{\LARGE Siemens Corporate Technology | \monthword{\month} 2016}{\scalebox{0.9}{Embedded Multicore Building Blocks}\\\scalebox{0.9}{Introduction and Tutorial}}

% List the authors and contributors on the second page, right after the cover page
% 1st parameter: contributors (optional)
% 2nd parameter: author(s)
 Bernhard Gatzhammer, bernhard.gatzhammer@siemens.com \newline
 Christian Kern, christian.kern@siemens.com \newline
 Tobias Sch\"ule, tobias.schuele@siemens.com \newline
 Marcus Winter, marcus.winter.ext@siemens.com \newline
 Siemens AG \newline
 Corporate Technology \newline
 Research \& Technology Center \newline
 CT RTC ITP SES-DE \newline
 Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 \newline
 81739 M\"unchen \newline

% This is from the template:
% \tableofcontentspic{Contents}{pics/chapter/Fotolia_43587256_X.jpg}{\chapterpicwidth}
% And this is our custom toc

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Content
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

% \input{content/preface}

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% References
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

% the following two macros fix the problem of the incorrect ToC pointer to the bibliography.
% balance the columns at the last page of the bibliography

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Back Cover
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