Commit 30e02cca by Sebastian Renner

Working towards a F7 template for benchmarking masked implementations

parent dbbd736b
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#include "api.h"
#include "ascon.h"
#include "permutations.h"
#include "printstate.h"
void ascon_initaead(state_t* s, const mask_npub_uint32_t* n,
const mask_key_uint32_t* k) {
word_t N0, N1;
word_t K1, K2;
/* randomize the initial state */
/* set the initial value */
s->x[0].s[0].w[0] ^= 0x08220000;
s->x[0].s[0].w[1] ^= 0x80210000;
/* set the nonce */
s->x[3] = N0 = MLOAD((uint32_t*)n, NUM_SHARES_NPUB);
s->x[4] = N1 = MLOAD((uint32_t*)(n + 2), NUM_SHARES_NPUB);
/* first key xor */
s->x[1] = K1 = MLOAD((uint32_t*)k, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
s->x[2] = K2 = MLOAD((uint32_t*)(k + 2), NUM_SHARES_KEY);
printstate("init 1st key xor", s, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
/* compute the permutation */
/* second key xor */
s->x[3] = MXOR(s->x[3], K1, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
s->x[4] = MXOR(s->x[4], K2, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
printstate("init 2nd key xor", s, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
void ascon_adata(state_t* s, const mask_ad_uint32_t* ad, uint64_t adlen) {
const int nr = ASCON_PB_ROUNDS;
if (adlen) {
/* full associated data blocks */
while (adlen >= ASCON_AEAD_RATE) {
word_t as = MLOAD((uint32_t*)ad, NUM_SHARES_AD);
s->x[0] = MXOR(s->x[0], as, NUM_SHARES_AD);
printstate("absorb adata", s, NUM_SHARES_AD);
P(s, nr, NUM_SHARES_AD);
ad += 2;
/* final associated data block */
s->x[0].s[0].w[1] ^= 0x80000000 >> (adlen * 4);
if (adlen) {
word_t as = MLOAD((uint32_t*)ad, NUM_SHARES_AD);
s->x[0] = MXOR(s->x[0], as, NUM_SHARES_AD);
printstate("pad adata", s, NUM_SHARES_AD);
P(s, nr, NUM_SHARES_AD);
/* domain separation */
s->x[4].s[0].w[0] ^= 1;
printstate("domain separation", s, NUM_SHARES_AD);
void ascon_encrypt(state_t* s, mask_c_uint32_t* c, const mask_m_uint32_t* m,
uint64_t mlen) {
const int nr = ASCON_PB_ROUNDS;
/* full plaintext blocks */
while (mlen >= ASCON_AEAD_RATE) {
word_t ms = MLOAD((uint32_t*)m, NUM_SHARES_M);
s->x[0] = MXOR(s->x[0], ms, NUM_SHARES_M);
MSTORE((uint32_t*)c, s->x[0], NUM_SHARES_C);
printstate("absorb plaintext", s, NUM_SHARES_M);
P(s, nr, NUM_SHARES_M);
m += 2;
c += 2;
/* final plaintext block */
s->x[0].s[0].w[1] ^= 0x80000000 >> (mlen * 4);
if (mlen) {
word_t ms = MLOAD((uint32_t*)m, NUM_SHARES_M);
s->x[0] = MXOR(s->x[0], ms, NUM_SHARES_M);
MSTORE((uint32_t*)c, s->x[0], NUM_SHARES_C);
printstate("pad plaintext", s, NUM_SHARES_M);
void ascon_decrypt(state_t* s, mask_m_uint32_t* m, const mask_c_uint32_t* c,
uint64_t clen) {
const int nr = ASCON_PB_ROUNDS;
/* full ciphertext blocks */
while (clen >= ASCON_AEAD_RATE) {
word_t cx = MLOAD((uint32_t*)c, NUM_SHARES_C);
s->x[0] = MXOR(s->x[0], cx, NUM_SHARES_C);
MSTORE((uint32_t*)m, s->x[0], NUM_SHARES_M);
s->x[0] = cx;
printstate("insert ciphertext", s, NUM_SHARES_M);
P(s, nr, NUM_SHARES_M);
c += 2;
m += 2;
/* final ciphertext block */
s->x[0].s[0].w[1] ^= 0x80000000 >> (clen * 4);
if (clen) {
word_t cx = MLOAD((uint32_t*)c, NUM_SHARES_C);
s->x[0] = MXOR(s->x[0], cx, NUM_SHARES_C);
MSTORE((uint32_t*)m, s->x[0], NUM_SHARES_M);
word_t mask = MMASK(clen, NUM_SHARES_C);
s->x[0] = MXORAND(cx, s->x[0], mask, NUM_SHARES_C);
printstate("pad ciphertext", s, NUM_SHARES_M);
void ascon_final(state_t* s, const mask_key_uint32_t* k) {
word_t K1, K2;
K1 = MLOAD((uint32_t*)k, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
K2 = MLOAD((uint32_t*)(k + 2), NUM_SHARES_KEY);
/* first key xor (first 64-bit word) */
s->x[1] = MXOR(s->x[1], K1, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
/* first key xor (second 64-bit word) */
s->x[2] = MXOR(s->x[2], K2, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
printstate("final 1st key xor", s, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
/* compute the permutation */
/* second key xor (first 64-bit word) */
s->x[3] = MXOR(s->x[3], K1, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
/* second key xor (second 64-bit word) */
s->x[4] = MXOR(s->x[4], K2, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
printstate("final 2nd key xor", s, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
void ascon_settag(state_t* s, mask_c_uint32_t* t) {
MSTORE((uint32_t*)t, s->x[3], NUM_SHARES_C);
MSTORE((uint32_t*)(t + 2), s->x[4], NUM_SHARES_C);
/* expected value of x3,x4 for P(0) */
static const uint32_t c[4] = {0x4b000009, 0x1c800003, 0x00000000, 0x00000000};
#elif ASCON_PB_ROUNDS == 2
static const uint32_t c[4] = {0x5d2d1034, 0x76fa81d1, 0x0cc1c9ef, 0xdb30a503};
#elif ASCON_PB_ROUNDS == 3
static const uint32_t c[4] = {0xbcaa1d46, 0xf1d0bde9, 0x32c4e651, 0x7b797cd9};
#elif ASCON_PB_ROUNDS == 4
static const uint32_t c[4] = {0xf7820616, 0xeffead2d, 0x94846901, 0xd4895cf5};
#elif ASCON_PB_ROUNDS == 5
static const uint32_t c[4] = {0x9e5ce5e3, 0xd40e9b87, 0x0bfc74af, 0xf8e408a9};
#else /* ASCON_PB_ROUNDS == 6 */
static const uint32_t c[4] = {0x11874f08, 0x7520afef, 0xa4dd41b4, 0x4bd6f9a4};
void ascon_xortag(state_t* s, const mask_c_uint32_t* t) {
/* set x0, x1, x2 to zero */
s->x[0] = MREUSE(s->x[0], 0, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
s->x[1] = MREUSE(s->x[1], 0, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
s->x[2] = MREUSE(s->x[2], 0, NUM_SHARES_KEY);
/* xor tag to x3, x4 */
word_t t0 = MLOAD((uint32_t*)t, NUM_SHARES_C);
s->x[3] = MXOR(s->x[3], t0, NUM_SHARES_C);
word_t t1 = MLOAD((uint32_t*)(t + 2), NUM_SHARES_C);
s->x[4] = MXOR(s->x[4], t1, NUM_SHARES_C);
/* compute P(0) if tags are equal */
/* xor expected result to x3, x4 */
s->x[3].s[0].w[0] ^= c[0];
s->x[3].s[0].w[1] ^= c[1];
s->x[4].s[0].w[0] ^= c[2];
s->x[4].s[0].w[1] ^= c[3];
int ascon_iszero(state_t* s) {
s->x[3].s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(s->x[3].s[1].w[0], ROT(1));
s->x[3].s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(s->x[3].s[1].w[1], ROT(1));
s->x[4].s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(s->x[4].s[1].w[0], ROT(1));
s->x[4].s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(s->x[4].s[1].w[1], ROT(1));
s->x[3].s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(s->x[3].s[2].w[0], ROT(2));
s->x[3].s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(s->x[3].s[2].w[1], ROT(2));
s->x[4].s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(s->x[4].s[2].w[0], ROT(2));
s->x[4].s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(s->x[4].s[2].w[1], ROT(2));
s->x[3].s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(s->x[3].s[3].w[0], ROT(3));
s->x[3].s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(s->x[3].s[3].w[1], ROT(3));
s->x[4].s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(s->x[4].s[3].w[0], ROT(3));
s->x[4].s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(s->x[4].s[3].w[1], ROT(3));
uint32_t result;
result = s->x[3].s[0].w[0] ^ s->x[3].s[0].w[1];
result ^= s->x[4].s[0].w[0] ^ s->x[4].s[0].w[1];
result |= result >> 16;
result |= result >> 8;
return ((((int)(result & 0xff) - 1) >> 8) & 1) - 1;
int ascon_verify(state_t* s, const mask_c_uint32_t* t) {
ascon_xortag(s, t);
return ascon_iszero(s);
#define CRYPTO_VERSION "1.2.6"
#define CRYPTO_ABYTES 16
#ifndef NUM_SHARES_M
#define NUM_SHARES_M 1
#ifndef NUM_SHARES_C
#define NUM_SHARES_C 1
#define NUM_SHARES_AD 1
#define NUM_SHARES_KEY 1
#ifndef ASCON_H_
#define ASCON_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include "shares.h"
#include "word.h"
typedef struct {
word_t x[6];
} state_t;
void ascon_initaead(state_t* s, const mask_npub_uint32_t* n,
const mask_key_uint32_t* k);
void ascon_adata(state_t* s, const mask_ad_uint32_t* ad, uint64_t adlen);
void ascon_encrypt(state_t* s, mask_c_uint32_t* c, const mask_m_uint32_t* m,
uint64_t mlen);
void ascon_decrypt(state_t* s, mask_m_uint32_t* m, const mask_c_uint32_t* c,
uint64_t clen);
void ascon_final(state_t* s, const mask_key_uint32_t* k);
void ascon_settag(state_t* s, mask_c_uint32_t* t);
int ascon_verify(state_t* s, const mask_c_uint32_t* t);
void ascon_level_adata(state_t* s);
void ascon_level_encdec(state_t* s);
void ascon_level_final(state_t* s);
#endif /* ASCON_H_ */
#ifndef ASM_H_
#define ASM_H_
#ifndef __GNUC__
#define __asm__ asm
#define LDR(rd, ptr, offset) \
__asm__ volatile("ldr %0, [%1, %2]\n\t" : "=r"(rd) : "r"(ptr), "ri"(offset))
#define STR(rd, ptr, offset) \
__asm__ volatile("str %0, [%1, %2]\n\t" ::"r"(rd), "r"(ptr), "ri"(offset) \
: "memory")
#define CLEAR() \
do { \
uint32_t r, i = 0; \
__asm__ volatile("mov %0, %1\n\t" : "=r"(r) : "i"(i)); \
} while (0)
#define MOVI(rd, imm) __asm__ volatile("mov %0, %1\n\t" : "=r"(rd) : "i"(imm))
#define RORI(rd, rn, imm) \
__asm__ volatile("ror %0, %1, #%c2\n\t" : "=r"(rd) : "r"(rn), "i"(imm))
#define EOR_ROR(rd, rn, rm, imm) \
__asm__ volatile("eor %0, %1, %2, ror #%c3\n\t" \
: "=r"(rd) \
: "r"(rn), "r"(rm), "i"(imm))
#define EOR_AND_ROR(ce, ae, be, imm, tmp) \
__asm__ volatile( \
"and %[tmp_], %[ae_], %[be_], ror %[i1_]\n\t" \
"eor %[ce_], %[tmp_], %[ce_]\n\t" \
: [ ce_ ] "+r"(ce), [ tmp_ ] "=r"(tmp) \
: [ ae_ ] "r"(ae), [ be_ ] "r"(be), [ i1_ ] "i"(ROT(imm)) \
#define EOR_BIC_ROR(ce, ae, be, imm, tmp) \
__asm__ volatile( \
"bic %[tmp_], %[ae_], %[be_], ror %[i1_]\n\t" \
"eor %[ce_], %[tmp_], %[ce_]\n\t" \
: [ ce_ ] "+r"(ce), [ tmp_ ] "=r"(tmp) \
: [ ae_ ] "r"(ae), [ be_ ] "r"(be), [ i1_ ] "i"(ROT(imm)) \
#define EOR_ORR_ROR(ce, ae, be, imm, tmp) \
__asm__ volatile( \
"orr %[tmp_], %[ae_], %[be_], ror %[i1_]\n\t" \
"eor %[ce_], %[tmp_], %[ce_]\n\t" \
: [ ce_ ] "+r"(ce), [ tmp_ ] "=r"(tmp) \
: [ ae_ ] "r"(ae), [ be_ ] "r"(be), [ i1_ ] "i"(ROT(imm)) \
#endif // ASM_H_
#ifndef CONFIG_H_
#define CONFIG_H_
#include "api.h"
/* extern bit interleaving */
/* number of PA rounds */
#define ASCON_PA_ROUNDS 12
/* number of PB rounds */
#error "NUM_SHARES_M != NUM_SHARES_KEY currently not supported"
#error "NUM_SHARES_C != NUM_SHARES_M currently not supported"
#error "NUM_SHARES_AD != NUM_SHARES_M currently not supported"
#error "NUM_SHARES_NPUB != NUM_SHARES_KEY currently not supported"
#endif /* CONFIG_H_ */
#include "constants.h"
const uint8_t constants[] = {0xc, 0xc, 0x9, 0xc, 0xc, 0x9, 0x9, 0x9,
0x6, 0xc, 0x3, 0xc, 0x6, 0x9, 0x3, 0x9,
0xc, 0x6, 0x9, 0x6, 0xc, 0x3, 0x9, 0x3};
#ifndef CONSTANTS_H_
#define CONSTANTS_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#define ASCON_128_KEYBYTES 16
#define ASCON_128A_KEYBYTES 16
#define ASCON_80PQ_KEYBYTES 20
#define ASCON_128_RATE 8
#define ASCON_128A_RATE 16
#define ASCON_PRF_IN_RATE 32
#define ASCON_128_PA_ROUNDS 12
#define ASCON_128_PB_ROUNDS 6
#define ASCON_128A_PA_ROUNDS 12
#define ASCON_128A_PB_ROUNDS 8
#define ASCON_128_IV 0x8021000008220000ull
#define ASCON_128A_IV 0x8822000000200000ull
#define ASCON_80PQ_IV 0xc021000008220000ull
#define ASCON_HASH_IV 0x0020000008200010ull
#define ASCON_HASHA_IV 0x0020000008220010ull
#define ASCON_XOF_IV 0x0020000008200000ull
#define ASCON_XOFA_IV 0x0020000008220000ull
#define ASCON_PRF_IV 0x88a0000000200000ull
#define ASCON_MAC_IV 0x88a0000800200000ull
#define ASCON_PRFS_IV 0x8028000000a00000ull
#define ASCON_HASH_IV0 0xf9afb5c6a540dbc7ull
#define ASCON_HASH_IV1 0xbd2493011445a340ull
#define ASCON_HASH_IV2 0xcb9ba8b5604d4fc8ull
#define ASCON_HASH_IV3 0x12a4eede94514c98ull
#define ASCON_HASH_IV4 0x4bca84c06339f398ull
#define ASCON_HASHA_IV0 0x0108e46d1b16eb02ull
#define ASCON_HASHA_IV1 0x5b9b8efdd29083f3ull
#define ASCON_HASHA_IV2 0x7ad665622891ae4aull
#define ASCON_HASHA_IV3 0x9dc27156ee3bfc7full
#define ASCON_HASHA_IV4 0xc61d5fa916801633ull
#define ASCON_XOF_IV0 0xc75782817e351ae6ull
#define ASCON_XOF_IV1 0x70045f441d238220ull
#define ASCON_XOF_IV2 0x5dd5ab52a13e3f04ull
#define ASCON_XOF_IV3 0x3e378142c30c1db2ull
#define ASCON_XOF_IV4 0x3735189db624d656ull
#define ASCON_XOFA_IV0 0x0846d7a5a4b87d44ull
#define ASCON_XOFA_IV1 0xaa6f1005b3a2dbf4ull
#define ASCON_XOFA_IV2 0xdc451146f713e811ull
#define ASCON_XOFA_IV3 0x468cb2532839e30dull
#define ASCON_XOFA_IV4 0xeb2d429709e96977ull
#define RC0 0x0000000c0000000cull
#define RC1 0x0000000c00000009ull
#define RC2 0x000000090000000cull
#define RC3 0x0000000900000009ull
#define RC4 0x0000000c00000006ull
#define RC5 0x0000000c00000003ull
#define RC6 0x0000000900000006ull
#define RC7 0x0000000900000003ull
#define RC8 0x000000060000000cull
#define RC9 0x0000000600000009ull
#define RCa 0x000000030000000cull
#define RCb 0x0000000300000009ull
#define RC(i) constants[2 * i + 1], constants[2 * i + 0]
#define START(n) (12 - (n))
#define INC 1
#define END 12
extern const uint8_t constants[];
#endif /* CONSTANTS_H_ */
#include "crypto_aead.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "api.h"
#include "crypto_aead_shared.h"
#ifdef SS_VER
#include "hal.h"
#define trigger_high()
#define trigger_low()
int crypto_aead_encrypt(unsigned char* c, unsigned long long* clen,
const unsigned char* m, unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* a, unsigned long long alen,
const unsigned char* nsec, const unsigned char* npub,
const unsigned char* k) {
/* dynamic allocation of input/output shares */
mask_key_uint32_t* ks = malloc(sizeof(*ks) * NUM_WORDS(CRYPTO_KEYBYTES));
mask_npub_uint32_t* ns = malloc(sizeof(*ns) * NUM_WORDS(CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES));
mask_ad_uint32_t* as = malloc(sizeof(*as) * NUM_WORDS(alen));
mask_m_uint32_t* ms = malloc(sizeof(*ms) * NUM_WORDS(mlen));
mask_c_uint32_t* cs = malloc(sizeof(*cs) * NUM_WORDS(mlen + CRYPTO_ABYTES));
/* mask plain input data */
generate_shares_encrypt(m, ms, mlen, a, as, alen, npub, ns, k, ks);
/* call shared interface of ascon encrypt */
crypto_aead_encrypt_shared(cs, clen, ms, mlen, as, alen, ns, ks);
/* unmask shared output data */
combine_shares_encrypt(cs, c, *clen);
/* free shares */
return 0;
int crypto_aead_decrypt(unsigned char* m, unsigned long long* mlen,
unsigned char* nsec, const unsigned char* c,
unsigned long long clen, const unsigned char* a,
unsigned long long alen, const unsigned char* npub,
const unsigned char* k) {
int result = 0;
if (clen < CRYPTO_ABYTES) return -1;
/* dynamic allocation of input/output shares */
mask_key_uint32_t* ks = malloc(sizeof(*ks) * NUM_WORDS(CRYPTO_KEYBYTES));
mask_npub_uint32_t* ns = malloc(sizeof(*ns) * NUM_WORDS(CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES));
mask_ad_uint32_t* as = malloc(sizeof(*as) * NUM_WORDS(alen));
mask_m_uint32_t* ms = malloc(sizeof(*ms) * NUM_WORDS(clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES));
mask_c_uint32_t* cs = malloc(sizeof(*cs) * NUM_WORDS(clen));
/* mask plain input data */
generate_shares_decrypt(c, cs, clen, a, as, alen, npub, ns, k, ks);
/* call shared interface of ascon decrypt */
result = crypto_aead_decrypt_shared(ms, mlen, cs, clen, as, alen, ns, ks);
/* unmask shared output data */
combine_shares_decrypt(ms, m, *mlen);
/* free shares */
return result;
int crypto_aead_encrypt(unsigned char *c, unsigned long long *clen,
const unsigned char *m, unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char *ad, unsigned long long adlen,
const unsigned char *nsec, const unsigned char *npub,
const unsigned char *k);
int crypto_aead_decrypt(unsigned char *m, unsigned long long *mlen,
unsigned char *nsec, const unsigned char *c,
unsigned long long clen, const unsigned char *ad,
unsigned long long adlen, const unsigned char *npub,
const unsigned char *k);
#include "crypto_aead_shared.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "api.h"
#include "ascon.h"
#include "shares.h"
int crypto_aead_encrypt_shared(mask_c_uint32_t* cs, unsigned long long* clen,
const mask_m_uint32_t* ms,
unsigned long long mlen,
const mask_ad_uint32_t* ads,
unsigned long long adlen,
const mask_npub_uint32_t* npubs,
const mask_key_uint32_t* ks) {
state_t s;
*clen = mlen + CRYPTO_ABYTES;
ascon_initaead(&s, npubs, ks);
ascon_adata(&s, ads, adlen);
ascon_encrypt(&s, cs, ms, mlen);
ascon_final(&s, ks);
ascon_settag(&s, cs + NUM_WORDS(mlen));
return 0;
int crypto_aead_decrypt_shared(mask_m_uint32_t* ms, unsigned long long* mlen,
const mask_c_uint32_t* cs,
unsigned long long clen,
const mask_ad_uint32_t* ads,
unsigned long long adlen,
const mask_npub_uint32_t* npubs,
const mask_key_uint32_t* ks) {
state_t s;
*mlen = clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES;
ascon_initaead(&s, npubs, ks);
ascon_adata(&s, ads, adlen);
ascon_decrypt(&s, ms, cs, *mlen);
ascon_final(&s, ks);
return ascon_verify(&s, cs + NUM_WORDS(*mlen));
#include "shares.h"
int crypto_aead_encrypt_shared(mask_c_uint32_t* cs, unsigned long long* clen,
const mask_m_uint32_t* ms,
unsigned long long mlen,
const mask_ad_uint32_t* ads,
unsigned long long adlen,
const mask_npub_uint32_t* npubs,
const mask_key_uint32_t* ks);
int crypto_aead_decrypt_shared(mask_m_uint32_t* ms, unsigned long long* mlen,
const mask_c_uint32_t* cs,
unsigned long long clen,
const mask_ad_uint32_t* ads,
unsigned long long adlen,
const mask_npub_uint32_t* npubs,
const mask_key_uint32_t* ks);
#ifndef ENDIAN_H_
#define ENDIAN_H_
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__
/* macros for big endian machines */
#pragma message("Using macros for big endian machines")
#define U64BIG(x) (x)
#define U32BIG(x) (x)
#define U16BIG(x) (x)
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || \
(defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
/* macros for little endian machines */
#pragma message("Using macros for little endian machines")
#define U64BIG(x) \
(((0x00000000000000FFULL & (x)) << 56) | \
((0x000000000000FF00ULL & (x)) << 40) | \
((0x0000000000FF0000ULL & (x)) << 24) | \
((0x00000000FF000000ULL & (x)) << 8) | \
((0x000000FF00000000ULL & (x)) >> 8) | \
((0x0000FF0000000000ULL & (x)) >> 24) | \
((0x00FF000000000000ULL & (x)) >> 40) | \
((0xFF00000000000000ULL & (x)) >> 56))
#define U32BIG(x) \
(((0x000000FF & (x)) << 24) | ((0x0000FF00 & (x)) << 8) | \
((0x00FF0000 & (x)) >> 8) | ((0xFF000000 & (x)) >> 24))
#define U16BIG(x) (((0x00FF & (x)) << 8) | ((0xFF00 & (x)) >> 8))
#error "Ascon byte order macros not defined in endian.h"
#endif /* ENDIAN_H_ */
/* define forceinline macro */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define forceinline __forceinline
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define forceinline inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))
#elif defined(__CLANG__)
#if __has_attribute(__always_inline__)
#define forceinline inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))
#define forceinline inline
#define forceinline inline
#endif /* FORCEINLINE_H_ */
using 3 rotated shares
using 2 rotated shares (on certain devices)
#include "interleave.h"
const uint32_t B[3] = {0x22222222, 0x0c0c0c0c, 0x00f000f0};
uint64_t TOBI(uint64_t in) { return deinterleave32(in); }
uint64_t FROMBI(uint64_t in) { return interleave32(in); }
#include <stdint.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "forceinline.h"
#define BD(e, o, lo, hi) \
do { \
uint64_t tmp = TOBI((uint64_t)(hi) << 32 | (lo)); \
e = (uint32_t)tmp; \
o = tmp >> 32; \
} while (0)
#define BI(lo, hi, e, o) \
do { \
uint64_t tmp = FROMBI((uint64_t)(o) << 32 | (e)); \
lo = (uint32_t)tmp; \
hi = tmp >> 32; \
} while (0)
uint64_t TOBI(uint64_t in);
uint64_t FROMBI(uint64_t in);
extern const uint32_t B[3];
forceinline uint32_t deinterleave16(uint32_t x) {
uint32_t t;
t = (x ^ (x >> 1)) & B[0], x ^= t ^ (t << 1);
t = (x ^ (x >> 2)) & B[1], x ^= t ^ (t << 2);
t = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & B[2], x ^= t ^ (t << 4);
t = (x ^ (x >> 8)) & 0xff00, x ^= t ^ (t << 8);
return x;
forceinline uint32_t interleave16(uint32_t x) {
uint32_t t;
t = (x ^ (x >> 8)) & 0xff00, x ^= t ^ (t << 8);
t = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & B[2], x ^= t ^ (t << 4);
t = (x ^ (x >> 2)) & B[1], x ^= t ^ (t << 2);
t = (x ^ (x >> 1)) & B[0], x ^= t ^ (t << 1);
return x;
/* credit to Henry S. Warren, Hacker's Delight, Addison-Wesley, 2002 */
forceinline uint64_t deinterleave32(uint64_t in) {
uint32_t hi = in >> 32;
uint32_t lo = in;
uint32_t t0, t1, e, o;
t0 = deinterleave16(lo);
t1 = deinterleave16(hi);
e = (t1 << 16) | (t0 & 0x0000FFFF);
o = (t1 & 0xFFFF0000) | (t0 >> 16);
return (uint64_t)o << 32 | e;
/* credit to Henry S. Warren, Hacker's Delight, Addison-Wesley, 2002 */
forceinline uint64_t interleave32(uint64_t in) {
uint32_t e = in;
uint32_t o = in >> 32;
uint32_t t0, t1, lo, hi;
t0 = (o << 16) | (e & 0x0000FFFF);
t1 = (o & 0xFFFF0000) | (e >> 16);
lo = interleave16(t0);
hi = interleave16(t1);
return (uint64_t)hi << 32 | lo;
#endif /* INTERLEAVE_H_ */
#include "permutations.h"
#include "api.h"
#include "round.h"
#if NUM_SHARES_KEY == 1 || NUM_SHARES_AD == 1 || NUM_SHARES_M == 1
void P1(state_t* s, int nr) { PROUNDS(s, nr, 1); }
#if NUM_SHARES_KEY == 2 || NUM_SHARES_AD == 2 || NUM_SHARES_M == 2
void P2(state_t* s, int nr) { PROUNDS(s, nr, 2); }
#if NUM_SHARES_KEY == 3 || NUM_SHARES_AD == 3 || NUM_SHARES_M == 3
void P3(state_t* s, int nr) { PROUNDS(s, nr, 3); }
#if NUM_SHARES_KEY == 4 || NUM_SHARES_AD == 4 || NUM_SHARES_M == 4
void P4(state_t* s, int nr) { PROUNDS(s, nr, 4); }
#include "ascon.h"
void P1(state_t* s, int nr);
void P2(state_t* s, int nr);
void P3(state_t* s, int nr);
void P4(state_t* s, int nr);
forceinline void P(state_t* s, int nr, int ns) {
if (ns == 1) P1(s, nr);
if (ns == 2) P2(s, nr);
if (ns == 3) P3(s, nr);
if (ns == 4) P4(s, nr);
#endif /* PERMUTATIONS_H_ */
#include "printstate.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ascon.h"
#include "shares.h"
#include "word.h"
void printword(const char* text, const word_t x, int ns) {
uint32_t lo, hi, e = 0, o = 0;
for (int d = 0; d < ns; ++d) {
e ^= ROR32(x.s[d].w[0], ROT(d));
o ^= ROR32(x.s[d].w[1], ROT(d));
BI(lo, hi, e, o);
printf("%s=%016" PRIx64, text, (uint64_t)hi << 32 | lo);
printf(" (%08x_%08x)", o, e);
void printstate(const char* text, const state_t* s, int ns) {
printf("%s:", text);
for (int i = strlen(text); i < 17; ++i) printf(" ");
printword(" x0", s->x[0], ns);
printword(" x1", s->x[1], ns);
printword(" x2", s->x[2], ns);
printword(" x3", s->x[3], ns);
printword(" x4", s->x[4], ns);
#include "ascon.h"
#include "word.h"
void printword(const char* text, const word_t x, int ns);
void printstate(const char* text, const state_t* si, int ns);
#define printword(text, w, ns) \
do { \
} while (0)
#define printstate(text, s, ns) \
do { \
} while (0)
#endif /* PRINTSTATE_H_ */
#ifndef ROUND_H_
#define ROUND_H_
#include "ascon.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "printstate.h"
forceinline state_t AFFINE1(state_t s, int i, int d) {
s.x[2].s[d].w[i] ^= s.x[1].s[d].w[i];
s.x[0].s[d].w[i] ^= s.x[4].s[d].w[i];
s.x[4].s[d].w[i] ^= s.x[3].s[d].w[i];
return s;
forceinline state_t AFFINE2(state_t s, int i, int d) {
s.x[2].s[d].w[i] ^= s.x[5].s[d].w[i];
s.x[1].s[d].w[i] ^= s.x[0].s[d].w[i];
s.x[0].s[d].w[i] ^= s.x[4].s[d].w[i];
s.x[3].s[d].w[i] ^= s.x[2].s[d].w[i];
return s;
forceinline state_t SBOX(state_t s, int i, int ns) {
/* affine layer 1 */
if (ns >= 1) s = AFFINE1(s, i, 0);
if (ns >= 2) s = AFFINE1(s, i, 1);
if (ns >= 3) s = AFFINE1(s, i, 2);
if (ns >= 4) s = AFFINE1(s, i, 3);
/* Toffoli gates */
s.x[5] = MXORBIC(s.x[5], s.x[4], s.x[3], i, ns);
s.x[4] = MXORBIC(s.x[4], s.x[1], s.x[0], i, ns);
s.x[1] = MXORBIC(s.x[1], s.x[3], s.x[2], i, ns);
s.x[3] = MXORBIC(s.x[3], s.x[0], s.x[4], i, ns);
s.x[0] = MXORBIC(s.x[0], s.x[2], s.x[1], i, ns);
/* affine layer 2 */
if (ns >= 1) s = AFFINE2(s, i, 0);
s.x[2].s[0].w[i] = ~s.x[2].s[0].w[i];
if (ns >= 2) s = AFFINE2(s, i, 1);
if (ns >= 3) s = AFFINE2(s, i, 2);
if (ns >= 4) s = AFFINE2(s, i, 3);
return s;
forceinline state_t LINEAR(state_t s, int d) {
state_t t;
t.x[0].s[d].w[0] = s.x[0].s[d].w[0] ^ ROR32(s.x[0].s[d].w[1], 4);
t.x[0].s[d].w[1] = s.x[0].s[d].w[1] ^ ROR32(s.x[0].s[d].w[0], 5);
t.x[1].s[d].w[0] = s.x[1].s[d].w[0] ^ ROR32(s.x[1].s[d].w[0], 11);
t.x[1].s[d].w[1] = s.x[1].s[d].w[1] ^ ROR32(s.x[1].s[d].w[1], 11);
t.x[2].s[d].w[0] = s.x[2].s[d].w[0] ^ ROR32(s.x[2].s[d].w[1], 2);
t.x[2].s[d].w[1] = s.x[2].s[d].w[1] ^ ROR32(s.x[2].s[d].w[0], 3);
t.x[3].s[d].w[0] = s.x[3].s[d].w[0] ^ ROR32(s.x[3].s[d].w[1], 3);
t.x[3].s[d].w[1] = s.x[3].s[d].w[1] ^ ROR32(s.x[3].s[d].w[0], 4);
t.x[4].s[d].w[0] = s.x[4].s[d].w[0] ^ ROR32(s.x[4].s[d].w[0], 17);
t.x[4].s[d].w[1] = s.x[4].s[d].w[1] ^ ROR32(s.x[4].s[d].w[1], 17);
s.x[0].s[d].w[0] ^= ROR32(t.x[0].s[d].w[1], 9);
s.x[0].s[d].w[1] ^= ROR32(t.x[0].s[d].w[0], 10);
s.x[1].s[d].w[0] ^= ROR32(t.x[1].s[d].w[1], 19);
s.x[1].s[d].w[1] ^= ROR32(t.x[1].s[d].w[0], 20);
s.x[2].s[d].w[0] ^= ROR32(t.x[2].s[d].w[1], 0);
s.x[2].s[d].w[1] ^= ROR32(t.x[2].s[d].w[0], 1);
s.x[3].s[d].w[0] ^= ROR32(t.x[3].s[d].w[0], 5);
s.x[3].s[d].w[1] ^= ROR32(t.x[3].s[d].w[1], 5);
s.x[4].s[d].w[0] ^= ROR32(t.x[4].s[d].w[1], 3);
s.x[4].s[d].w[1] ^= ROR32(t.x[4].s[d].w[0], 4);
return s;
forceinline void ROUND_(state_t* p, uint8_t C_o, uint8_t C_e, int ns) {
state_t s = *p;
/* constant and sbox layer*/
s.x[2].s[0].w[0] ^= C_e;
s = SBOX(s, 0, ns);
s.x[2].s[0].w[1] ^= C_o;
s = SBOX(s, 1, ns);
/* reuse rotated randomness */
s.x[5] = MREUSE(s.x[5], 0, ns);
/* linear layer*/
if (ns >= 4) s = LINEAR(s, 3);
if (ns >= 3) s = LINEAR(s, 2);
if (ns >= 2) s = LINEAR(s, 1);
if (ns >= 1) s = LINEAR(s, 0);
*p = s;
printstate(" round output", &s, ns);
forceinline void ROUND(state_t* p, uint64_t C, int ns) {
ROUND_(p, C >> 32, C, ns);
forceinline void PROUNDS(state_t* s, int nr, int ns) {
int i = START(nr);
do {
ROUND_(s, RC(i), ns);
i += INC;
} while (i != END);
#endif /* ROUND_H_ */
#include "shares.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "endian.h"
#include "forceinline.h"
#include "interleave.h"
forceinline uint32_t ROR32(uint32_t x, int n) {
return x >> n | x << (-n & 31);
forceinline uint64_t ROR64(uint64_t x, int n) {
return x >> n | x << (-n & 63);
void generate_shares(uint32_t* s, int num_shares, const uint8_t* data,
uint64_t len);
void combine_shares(uint8_t* data, uint64_t len, const uint32_t* s,
int num_shares);
void generate_shares_encrypt(const unsigned char* m, mask_m_uint32_t* ms,
const unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* ad, mask_ad_uint32_t* ads,
const unsigned long long adlen,
const unsigned char* npub,
mask_npub_uint32_t* npubs, const unsigned char* k,
mask_key_uint32_t* ks) {
generate_shares((uint32_t*)ks, NUM_SHARES_KEY, k, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES);
generate_shares((uint32_t*)npubs, NUM_SHARES_NPUB, npub, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES);
generate_shares((uint32_t*)ads, NUM_SHARES_AD, ad, adlen);
generate_shares((uint32_t*)ms, NUM_SHARES_M, m, mlen);
void generate_shares_decrypt(const unsigned char* c, mask_c_uint32_t* cs,
const unsigned long long clen,
const unsigned char* ad, mask_ad_uint32_t* ads,
const unsigned long long adlen,
const unsigned char* npub,
mask_npub_uint32_t* npubs, const unsigned char* k,
mask_key_uint32_t* ks) {
unsigned long long mlen = clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES;
mask_c_uint32_t* ts = cs + NUM_WORDS(mlen);
generate_shares((uint32_t*)ks, NUM_SHARES_KEY, k, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES);
generate_shares((uint32_t*)npubs, NUM_SHARES_NPUB, npub, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES);
generate_shares((uint32_t*)ads, NUM_SHARES_AD, ad, adlen);
generate_shares((uint32_t*)cs, NUM_SHARES_C, c, mlen);
generate_shares((uint32_t*)ts, NUM_SHARES_C, c + mlen, CRYPTO_ABYTES);
void combine_shares_encrypt(const mask_c_uint32_t* cs, unsigned char* c,
unsigned long long clen) {
unsigned long long mlen = clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES;
const mask_c_uint32_t* ts = cs + NUM_WORDS(mlen);
combine_shares(c, mlen, (uint32_t*)cs, NUM_SHARES_C);
combine_shares(c + mlen, CRYPTO_ABYTES, (uint32_t*)ts, NUM_SHARES_C);
void combine_shares_decrypt(const mask_m_uint32_t* ms, unsigned char* m,
unsigned long long mlen) {
combine_shares(m, mlen, (uint32_t*)ms, NUM_SHARES_M);
void generate_shares(uint32_t* s, int num_shares, const uint8_t* data,
uint64_t len) {
uint32_t rnd0, rnd1;
uint64_t rnd, i;
/* generate random shares */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_WORDS(len); i += 2) {
s[(i + 0) * num_shares + 0] = 0;
s[(i + 1) * num_shares + 0] = 0;
for (int d = 1; d < num_shares; ++d) {
s[(i + 0) * num_shares + d] = rnd0;
s[(i + 1) * num_shares + d] = rnd1;
s[(i + 0) * num_shares + 0] ^= ROR32(rnd0, ROT(d));
s[(i + 1) * num_shares + 0] ^= ROR32(rnd1, ROT(d));
rnd = ROR64((uint64_t)rnd1 << 32 | rnd0, ROT(2 * d));
s[(i + 0) * num_shares + 0] ^= (uint32_t)rnd;
s[(i + 1) * num_shares + 0] ^= (uint32_t)(rnd >> 32);
/* mask complete words */
for (i = 0; i < len / 8; ++i) {
uint64_t x;
memcpy(&x, data + i * 8, 8);
x = U64BIG(x);
x = TOBI(x);
s[(2 * i + 0) * num_shares + 0] ^= (uint32_t)x;
s[(2 * i + 1) * num_shares + 0] ^= (uint32_t)(x >> 32);
/* mask remaining bytes */
if ((len / 8 * 8) != len) {
uint64_t x = 0;
for (i = (len / 8) * 8; i < len; ++i) {
x ^= (uint64_t)data[i] << ((i % 8) * 8);
x = U64BIG(x);
x = TOBI(x);
s[(2 * (len / 8) + 0) * num_shares + 0] ^= (uint32_t)x;
s[(2 * (len / 8) + 1) * num_shares + 0] ^= (uint32_t)(x >> 32);
void combine_shares(uint8_t* data, uint64_t len, const uint32_t* s,
int num_shares) {
uint32_t rnd0, rnd1;
uint64_t i;
/* unmask complete words */
for (i = 0; i < len / 8; ++i) {
uint64_t x = 0;
for (int d = 0; d < num_shares; ++d) {
rnd0 = s[(2 * i + 0) * num_shares + d];
rnd1 = s[(2 * i + 1) * num_shares + d];
x ^= (uint64_t)ROR32(rnd0, ROT(d));
x ^= (uint64_t)ROR32(rnd1, ROT(d)) << 32;
x ^= ROR64((uint64_t)rnd1 << 32 | rnd0, ROT(2 * d));
x = FROMBI(x);
x = U64BIG(x);
memcpy(data + i * 8, &x, 8);
/* unmask remaining bytes */
if ((len / 8 * 8) != len) {
uint64_t x = 0;
for (int d = 0; d < num_shares; ++d) {
rnd0 = s[(2 * (len / 8) + 0) * num_shares + d];
rnd1 = s[(2 * (len / 8) + 1) * num_shares + d];
x ^= (uint64_t)ROR32(rnd0, ROT(d));
x ^= (uint64_t)ROR32(rnd1, ROT(d)) << 32;
x ^= ROR64((uint64_t)rnd1 << 32 | rnd0, ROT(2 * d));
x = FROMBI(x);
x = U64BIG(x);
for (i = (len / 8) * 8; i < len; ++i) {
data[i] = x >> ((i % 8) * 8);
#ifndef SHARES_H_
#define SHARES_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include "api.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "randombytes.h"
#define NUM_WORDS(len) ((((len) + 7) / 8) * 2)
#define ROT(i) (((i) * (ASCON_ROR_SHARES)) & 31)
#define RND(rnd) randombytes((unsigned char*)&rnd, 4)
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_M];
} mask_m_uint32_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_C];
} mask_c_uint32_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_AD];
} mask_ad_uint32_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_NPUB];
} mask_npub_uint32_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_KEY];
} mask_key_uint32_t;
void generate_shares_encrypt(const unsigned char* m, mask_m_uint32_t* ms,
const unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* ad, mask_ad_uint32_t* ads,
const unsigned long long adlen,
const unsigned char* npub,
mask_npub_uint32_t* npubs, const unsigned char* k,
mask_key_uint32_t* ks);
void generate_shares_decrypt(const unsigned char* c, mask_c_uint32_t* cs,
const unsigned long long clen,
const unsigned char* ad, mask_ad_uint32_t* ads,
const unsigned long long adlen,
const unsigned char* npub,
mask_npub_uint32_t* npubs, const unsigned char* k,
mask_key_uint32_t* ks);
void combine_shares_encrypt(const mask_c_uint32_t* cs, unsigned char* c,
unsigned long long clen);
void combine_shares_decrypt(const mask_m_uint32_t* ms, unsigned char* m,
unsigned long long mlen);
#endif /* SHARES_H_ */
#ifndef WORD_H_
#define WORD_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "asm.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "endian.h"
#include "forceinline.h"
#include "interleave.h"
#include "shares.h"
typedef struct {
uint32_t w[2];
} share_t;
typedef struct {
share_t s[NUM_SHARES_KEY];
} word_t;
forceinline uint32_t ROR32(uint32_t x, int n) {
return x >> n | x << (-n & 31);
forceinline uint64_t ROR32x2(uint64_t x, int n) {
uint32_t lo = x;
uint32_t hi = x >> 32;
lo = ROR32(lo, n);
hi = ROR32(hi, n);
return (uint64_t)hi << 32 | lo;
forceinline uint64_t ROR64(uint64_t x, int n) {
return x >> n | x << (-n & 63);
forceinline word_t MXOR(word_t a, word_t b, int ns) {
if (ns >= 1) a.s[0].w[0] ^= b.s[0].w[0];
if (ns >= 1) a.s[0].w[1] ^= b.s[0].w[1];
if (ns >= 2) a.s[1].w[0] ^= b.s[1].w[0];
if (ns >= 2) a.s[1].w[1] ^= b.s[1].w[1];
if (ns >= 3) a.s[2].w[0] ^= b.s[2].w[0];
if (ns >= 3) a.s[2].w[1] ^= b.s[2].w[1];
if (ns >= 4) a.s[3].w[0] ^= b.s[3].w[0];
if (ns >= 4) a.s[3].w[1] ^= b.s[3].w[1];
return a;
forceinline word_t MXORBIC(word_t c, word_t a, word_t b, int i, int ns) {
uint32_t tmp;
if (ns == 1) {
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], 0, tmp);
if (ns == 2) {
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], 0 - 1, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], 1 - 0, tmp);
if (ns == 3) {
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], 1 - 0, tmp);
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], a.s[2].w[i], 2 - 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], a.s[2].w[i], 2 - 1, tmp);
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], 0 - 1, tmp);
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[2].w[i], b.s[2].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], 0 - 2, tmp);
EOR_ORR_ROR(c.s[2].w[i], a.s[2].w[i], b.s[2].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[2].w[i], b.s[2].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], 1 - 2, tmp);
if (ns == 4) {
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], 0 - 1, tmp);
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[2].w[i], a.s[2].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], 0 - 2, tmp);
EOR_BIC_ROR(c.s[3].w[i], a.s[3].w[i], b.s[0].w[i], 0 - 3, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[2].w[i], a.s[2].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], 1 - 2, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[3].w[i], a.s[3].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], 1 - 3, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], b.s[1].w[i], 1 - 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[2].w[i], a.s[2].w[i], b.s[2].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[3].w[i], a.s[3].w[i], b.s[2].w[i], 2 - 3, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], b.s[2].w[i], 2 - 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], b.s[2].w[i], 2 - 1, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[3].w[i], a.s[3].w[i], b.s[3].w[i], 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[0].w[i], a.s[0].w[i], b.s[3].w[i], 3 - 0, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[1].w[i], a.s[1].w[i], b.s[3].w[i], 3 - 1, tmp);
EOR_AND_ROR(c.s[2].w[i], a.s[2].w[i], b.s[3].w[i], 3 - 2, tmp);
return c;
forceinline word_t MXORAND(word_t c, word_t a, word_t b, int ns) {
b.s[0].w[0] = ~b.s[0].w[0];
b.s[0].w[1] = ~b.s[0].w[1];
c = MXORBIC(c, a, b, 0, ns);
c = MXORBIC(c, a, b, 1, ns);
return c;
forceinline word_t MRND(int ns) {
word_t w;
if (ns >= 2) RND(w.s[1].w[0]);
if (ns >= 2) RND(w.s[1].w[1]);
if (ns >= 3) RND(w.s[2].w[0]);
if (ns >= 3) RND(w.s[2].w[1]);
if (ns >= 4) RND(w.s[3].w[0]);
if (ns >= 4) RND(w.s[3].w[1]);
return w;
forceinline word_t MMIX(word_t w, int ns) {
if (ns >= 2) w.s[1].w[0] = ROR32(w.s[1].w[0], 7);
if (ns >= 2) w.s[1].w[1] = ROR32(w.s[1].w[1], 7);
if (ns >= 3) w.s[2].w[0] = ROR32(w.s[2].w[0], 13);
if (ns >= 3) w.s[2].w[1] = ROR32(w.s[2].w[1], 13);
if (ns >= 4) w.s[3].w[0] = ROR32(w.s[3].w[0], 29);
if (ns >= 4) w.s[3].w[1] = ROR32(w.s[3].w[1], 29);
return w;
forceinline word_t MREDUCE(word_t w, int nsi, int nso) {
if (nsi >= 2 && nso < 2) w.s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(w.s[1].w[0], ROT(1));
if (nsi >= 2 && nso < 2) w.s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(w.s[1].w[1], ROT(1));
if (nsi >= 3 && nso < 3) w.s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(w.s[2].w[0], ROT(2));
if (nsi >= 3 && nso < 3) w.s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(w.s[2].w[1], ROT(2));
if (nsi >= 4 && nso < 4) w.s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(w.s[3].w[0], ROT(3));
if (nsi >= 4 && nso < 4) w.s[0].w[1] ^= ROR32(w.s[3].w[1], ROT(3));
return w;
forceinline word_t MEXPAND(word_t w, int nsi, int nso) {
return MREDUCE(w, nso, nsi);
forceinline word_t MREUSE(word_t w, uint64_t val, int ns) {
w.s[0].w[0] = (uint32_t)val;
w.s[0].w[1] = val >> 32;
w = MMIX(w, ns);
w = MEXPAND(w, 1, ns);
return w;
forceinline word_t MZERO(int ns) {
word_t w;
if (ns == 1) {
MOVI(w.s[0].w[0], 0);
MOVI(w.s[0].w[1], 0);
if (ns >= 2) {
RORI(w.s[1].w[0], w.s[1].w[0], 7);
RORI(w.s[1].w[1], w.s[1].w[1], 7);
RORI(w.s[0].w[0], w.s[1].w[0], ROT(1));
RORI(w.s[0].w[1], w.s[1].w[1], ROT(1));
if (ns == 2) CLEAR();
if (ns >= 3) {
RORI(w.s[2].w[0], w.s[2].w[0], 13);
RORI(w.s[2].w[1], w.s[2].w[1], 13);
EOR_ROR(w.s[0].w[0], w.s[0].w[0], w.s[2].w[0], ROT(2));
EOR_ROR(w.s[0].w[1], w.s[0].w[1], w.s[2].w[1], ROT(2));
if (ns >= 4) {
RORI(w.s[3].w[0], w.s[3].w[0], 29);
RORI(w.s[3].w[1], w.s[3].w[1], 29);
EOR_ROR(w.s[0].w[0], w.s[0].w[0], w.s[3].w[0], ROT(3));
EOR_ROR(w.s[0].w[1], w.s[0].w[1], w.s[3].w[1], ROT(3));
return w;
forceinline word_t MMASK(int n, int ns) {
uint32_t mask = 0xffffffff >> (n * 4);
word_t m = MZERO(ns);
m.s[0].w[0] ^= mask;
m.s[0].w[1] ^= mask;
return m;
forceinline word_t MREFRESH(word_t w, int ns) {
word_t r = MZERO(ns);
return MXOR(w, r, ns);
forceinline int MNOTZERO(word_t a, word_t b, int ns) {
word_t c = MZERO(ns);
/* note: OR(a,b) = ~BIC(~a,b) */
a.s[0].w[0] = ~a.s[0].w[0];
a.s[0].w[1] = ~a.s[0].w[1];
/* OR first and second 64-bit word */
c = MXORBIC(c, a, b, 0, ns);
c = MXORBIC(c, a, b, 1, ns);
/* OR even and odd words */
if (ns >= 1) b.s[0].w[0] = c.s[0].w[1];
if (ns >= 2) b.s[1].w[0] = c.s[1].w[1];
if (ns >= 3) b.s[2].w[0] = c.s[2].w[1];
if (ns >= 4) b.s[3].w[0] = c.s[3].w[1];
a = MXORBIC(a, b, c, 0, ns);
/* loop to OR 16/8/4/2/1 bit chunks */
for (int i = 16; i > 0; i >>= 1) {
if (ns >= 1) b.s[0].w[0] = ROR32(a.s[0].w[0], i);
if (ns >= 2) b.s[1].w[0] = ROR32(a.s[1].w[0], i);
if (ns >= 3) b.s[2].w[0] = ROR32(a.s[2].w[0], i);
if (ns >= 4) b.s[3].w[0] = ROR32(a.s[3].w[0], i);
c = MXORBIC(c, a, b, 0, ns);
if (ns >= 1) a.s[0].w[0] = c.s[0].w[0];
if (ns >= 2) a.s[1].w[0] = c.s[1].w[0];
if (ns >= 3) a.s[2].w[0] = c.s[2].w[0];
if (ns >= 4) a.s[3].w[0] = c.s[3].w[0];
/* unmask result */
if (ns >= 2) a.s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(a.s[1].w[0], ROT(1));
if (ns >= 3) a.s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(a.s[2].w[0], ROT(2));
if (ns >= 4) a.s[0].w[0] ^= ROR32(a.s[3].w[0], ROT(3));
return ~a.s[0].w[0];
forceinline share_t LOADSHARE(uint32_t* data, int ns) {
share_t s;
uint32_t lo, hi;
LDR(lo, data, 0);
LDR(hi, data, 4 * ns);
BD(s.w[0], s.w[1], lo, hi);
if (ns == 2) CLEAR();
s.w[0] = lo;
s.w[1] = hi;
return s;
forceinline void STORESHARE(uint32_t* data, share_t s, int ns) {
uint32_t lo, hi;
BI(lo, hi, s.w[0], s.w[1]);
if (ns == 2) CLEAR();
lo = s.w[0];
hi = s.w[1];
STR(lo, data, 0);
STR(hi, data, 4 * ns);
forceinline word_t MLOAD(uint32_t* data, int ns) {
word_t w = {0};
if (ns >= 1) w.s[0] = LOADSHARE(&(data[0]), ns);
if (ns >= 2) w.s[1] = LOADSHARE(&(data[1]), ns);
if (ns >= 3) w.s[2] = LOADSHARE(&(data[2]), ns);
if (ns >= 4) w.s[3] = LOADSHARE(&(data[3]), ns);
return w;
forceinline void MSTORE(uint32_t* data, word_t w, int ns) {
if (ns >= 1) STORESHARE(&(data[0]), w.s[0], ns);
if (ns >= 2) STORESHARE(&(data[1]), w.s[1], ns);
if (ns >= 3) STORESHARE(&(data[2]), w.s[2], ns);
if (ns >= 4) STORESHARE(&(data[3]), w.s[3], ns);
#endif /* WORD_H_ */
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\ No newline at end of file
# Masked Ascon Software Implementations
This repository contains high-level masked (shared) [Ascon](
software implementations, mostly written in C. These implementations can be used
as a starting point to generate device specific C/ASM implementations.
Masked C implementations requires a minimum amount of ASM instructions.
Otherwise, the compiler may heavily optimize the code and even combine
shares. Obviously, the output generated is very sensitive to compiler and
environment changes and any generated output needs to be security evaluated.
A preliminary evaluation of these implementations has been performed on some
[ChipWhisperer]( devices. The results can
be reproduced by performing the following steps:
- Make sure this repository is checked out in the `hardware/victims/firmware` folder of your chipwhisperer installation.
- Make sure the `jupyter/*.ipynb` scripts are located in the `jupyter` folder of your chipwhisperer installation.
- Run the shared simpleserial interface jupyter script `jupyter/ascon_sca_sss.ipynb`.
The masked software interface follows the
[Call for Protected Software Implementations](
of the [Cryptographic Engineering Research Group](
for finalists in the
[NIST Lightweight Cryptography Competition](
The number of shares are defined by the parameters `NUM_SHARES_KEY`,
`api.h` file.
Additionally, most masked Ascon implementations assume that the shares are
(32/64-bit) rotated against each other using the parameter `ASCON_ROR_SHARES`
defined in the `api.h` file. The Ascon specific masking and rotation functions are
defined in the Python functions `generate_shares` and `combine_shares` as well
as in the C functions `generate_shares_encrypt`, `generate_shares_decrypt`,
`combine_shares_encrypt` and `combine_shares_decrypt`.
Note that an `ASCON_ROR_SHARES` value of `x` corresponds to a right rotation of
each internal 32-bit share `i` by `x*i mod 32` bits. For 32-bit interleaved
implementations of Ascon, this corresponds to a right rotation of
each 64-bit share `i` by `2*x*i mod 32` bits at the interface level.
# Protection Methods
- Name of the applied countermeasures:
* Masking with (almost) no fresh randomness
* Rotation of shares against each other
* Mode-level security (mask init/final, plain ad/pt/ct)
- Tag comparison:
* XOR masked tag to state (x3,x4)
* Set remaining state to masked zero
* Compute masked PB permutation
* Plain comparison of result with known output of PB(0)
- Available implementations:
* `protected_bi32_armv6` supporting 2, 3, 4 rotated shares (equal number of
shares for key, nonce, adata, plaintext and ciphertext)
* `protected_bi32_armv6_leveled` supporting 2, 3, 4 rotated shares for key
and 1 share for nonce, adata, plaintext and ciphertext
- Primary references for masking Ascon:
* Joan Daemen, Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Hannes Groß, Florian Mendel,
Robert Primas: "Protecting against Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks".
CHES 2020.
* Aein Rezaei Shahmirzadi, Amir Moradi: "Second-Order SCA Security with almost no
Fresh Randomness". CHES 2021.
* Hannes Groß, Stefan Mangard: "Reconciling d+1 Masking in Hardware and Software".
CHES 2017.
- Primary references for mode-level security of Ascon:
* Alexandre Adomnicai, Jacques J. A. Fournier, Laurent Masson: "Masking the
Lightweight Authenticated Ciphers ACORN and Ascon in Software". Cryptology
ePrint Archive, Report 2018/708.
* Davide Bellizia, Olivier Bronchain, Gaëtan Cassiers, Vincent Grosso, Chun
Guo, Charles Momin, Olivier Pereira, Thomas Peters, François-Xavier
Standaert: "Mode-Level vs. Implementation-Level Physical Security in
Symmetric Cryptography - A Practical Guide Through the Leakage-Resistance
Jungle". CRYPTO 2020.
# Experimental Setup
- Measurement platform and device-under-evaluation:
* ChipWhisperer, CW308 with STM32F303 UFO target
* ChipWhisperer, CW308 with STM32F415 UFO target
* ChipWhisperer, CW308 with STM32F405 UFO target
- STM32F303, STM32F415:
* Oscilloscope: ChipWhisperer Lite Scope
* Measurement: see ChipWhisperer specification
* Sampling rate: clkgen x4
- STM32F405:
* Oszilloscope: Picoscope 6404d
* Measurement: CW501 differential probe
* Sampling rate: 1GS
The experimental setup and evalutions for STM32F303 and STM32F415 are
given in the jupyter scripts in this repository.
# Attack/Leakage Assessment Characteristics
- Data inputs and performed operations:
* encrypt/decrypt using plain CW simpleserial interface defined in
* encrypt/decrypt using shared CW simpleserial interface defined in
* STM32F303 and STM32F415: `ASCON_PA_ROUNDS` and `ASCON_PB_ROUNDS` reduced to
2 rounds to mostly fit within 24400 samples
- Source of random and pseudorandom inputs:
* STM32F415: randombytes.c using STM32F415 hardware RNG
* STM32F303 and STM32F415: custom randombytes.c function using stdlib.h
rand() and srand()
* Python random.getrandbits function for shared interface
- Trigger location relative to the execution start time of the algorithm:
* Prior and after the call to `crypto_aead_encrypt_shared` and
- Time required to collect data for a given attack/leakage assessment:
* 30 iterations/second using a target baud rate of 230400
* 8 iterations/second using a target baud rate of 38400
- Total time of the attack/assessment:
* About 9 hours per 1 million traces
- Total size of all traces: not stored
# Attack Specific Data
- Number of traces used: up to 8M depending on device and implementation
- Attack point:
* trigger prior and after `crypto_aead_encrypt_shared`
* trigger prior and after `crypto_aead_decrypt_shared` (with final `ascon_iszero`)
* key, nonce and data are assumed to be randomly masked in each en/decryption
- Attack/leakage assessment type: Test Vector Leakage Assessment with
* fixed key, fixed nonce, fixed 4-byte adata, fixed 4-byte plaintext (ciphertext) vs.
* fixed key, random nonce, random 4-byte adata, random 4-byte plaintext (ciphertext)
- Note that using mode-level countermeasures, parts of the computations are
computed in plain. This is the case for the final `ascon_iszero` function
or large parts of the `protected_bi32_armv6_leveled` implementation. Plain
computations need to be excluded from the t-test evaluation by setting the
trigger locations accordingly.
# Documentation of Results
Attack script using shared simpleserial interface: `jupyter/ascon_sca_sss.ipynb`
Note that for the ChipWhisperer Lite Scope only the first 24400 samples have
been recorded. To cover larger parts of the implementation, the number of rounds
have been reduced to 2 rounds for PA and PB. This results in about 25000 samples
for decrypt and slightly less than 25000 samples for encrypt using 2 shares and
clkgen x4.
## 3 rotated shares
- Decryption (2 PA/PB rounds) of `protected_bi32_armv6` on STM32F303 using
3 rotated shares and 8M traces:
## 2 rotated shares with device specific fixes
Contrary to 3 shares, masking software implementations using only 2 shares is a
much more difficult challenge, since the 2 shares might easily collide in
hardware. Although rotating the shares reduces the number of possible situations
where these 2 shares may collide, device specific fixes are usually still needed
at some places.
The device specific fix for the STM32F405 and STM32F415 targets is to add a
`MOV <rd>, #0` instruction between locations where shares are unrotated (e.g.
during bit interleaving or in non-linear functions). Similar fixes might exist
for other devices.
- Encryption (12/6 PA/PB rounds) of `protected_bi32_armv6` on STM32F405 using
2 rotated shares, device specific fixes, external bit interleaving
(can be computed offline, does not depend on key) and ~4.2M traces:
- Decryption (2 PA/PB rounds) of `protected_bi32_armv6` on STM32F415 using
2 rotated shares with device specific fixes and 4M and 5M traces:
## 2 rotated shares without device specific fixes
Without device specific fixes, peaks in the t-test are shown after a low number
of traces (<10k). In the following we show such example graphs.
- Decryption (2 PA/PB rounds) of `protected_bi32_armv6` on STM32F415 using
2 rotated shares, without device specific fixes and 100k traces:
- Decryption (2 PA/PB rounds) of `protected_bi32_armv6` on STM32F303 using
2 rotated shares, without device specific fixes and 10k traces:
# Authors
Florian Dietrich, Christoph Dobraunig, Florian Mendel, Robert Primas, Martin Schläffer
[//]: # (pandoc --number-sections --from markdown -o Documents/documentation.pdf)
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
Subhadeep Banik
Avik Chakraborti
Tetsu Iwata
Kazuhiko Minematsu
Mridul Nandi
Thomas Peyrin
Yu Sasaki
Siang Meng Sim
Yosuke Todo
\ No newline at end of file
#define CRYPTO_ABYTES 16
#define CRYPTO_BYTES 32
#define NUM_SHARES_M 1
#define NUM_SHARES_C 1
#define NUM_SHARES_AD 1
#define NUM_SHARES_KEY 2 // 1st-order masking => 2 shares
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef GIFT_COFB_H_
#define GIFT_COFB_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#define TAG_SIZE 16
#define KEY_SIZE 16
#define COFB_ENCRYPT 1
#define COFB_DECRYPT 0
typedef struct masked_rkey {
uint32_t rkey[80];
uint32_t rkey_mask[80];
} masked_rkey;
#define XOR_BLOCK(x, y, z) ({ \
(x)[0] = (y)[0] ^ (z)[0]; \
(x)[1] = (y)[1] ^ (z)[1]; \
(x)[2] = (y)[2] ^ (z)[2]; \
(x)[3] = (y)[3] ^ (z)[3]; \
#define XOR_TOP_BAR_BLOCK(x, y) ({ \
(x)[0] ^= (y)[0]; \
(x)[1] ^= (y)[1]; \
#endif // GIFT_COFB_H_
\ No newline at end of file
#include "crypto_aead.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "api.h"
#include "crypto_aead_shared.h"
#ifdef SS_VER
#include "hal.h"
#define trigger_high()
#define trigger_low()
int crypto_aead_encrypt(unsigned char* c, unsigned long long* clen,
const unsigned char* m, unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* a, unsigned long long alen,
const unsigned char* nsec, const unsigned char* npub,
const unsigned char* k) {
/* dynamic allocation of input/output shares */
mask_key_uint32_t* ks = malloc(CRYPTO_KEYBYTES/sizeof(uint32_t));
mask_npub_uint32_t* ns = malloc(CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES/sizeof(uint32_t));
mask_ad_uint32_t* as = malloc(alen/sizeof(uint32_t)+1);
mask_m_uint32_t* ms = malloc(mlen/sizeof(uint32_t)+1);
mask_c_uint32_t* cs = malloc(*clen/sizeof(uint32_t)+1);
/* mask plain input data */
generate_shares_encrypt(m, ms, mlen, a, as, alen, npub, ns, k, ks);
/* call shared interface of ascon encrypt */
crypto_aead_encrypt_shared(cs, clen, ms, mlen, as, alen, ns, ks);
/* unmask shared output data */
combine_shares_encrypt(cs, c, *clen);
/* free shares */
return 0;
int crypto_aead_decrypt(unsigned char* m, unsigned long long* mlen,
unsigned char* nsec, const unsigned char* c,
unsigned long long clen, const unsigned char* a,
unsigned long long alen, const unsigned char* npub,
const unsigned char* k) {
int result = 0;
if (clen < CRYPTO_ABYTES) return -1;
/* dynamic allocation of input/output shares */
mask_key_uint32_t* ks = malloc(CRYPTO_KEYBYTES/sizeof(uint32_t));
mask_npub_uint32_t* ns = malloc(CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES/sizeof(uint32_t));
mask_ad_uint32_t* as = malloc(alen/sizeof(uint32_t)+1);
mask_m_uint32_t* ms = malloc(*mlen/sizeof(uint32_t)+1);
mask_c_uint32_t* cs = malloc(clen/sizeof(uint32_t)+1);
/* mask plain input data */
generate_shares_decrypt(c, cs, clen, a, as, alen, npub, ns, k, ks);
/* call shared interface of ascon decrypt */
result = crypto_aead_decrypt_shared(ms, mlen, cs, clen, as, alen, ns, ks);
/* unmask shared output data */
combine_shares_decrypt(ms, m, *mlen);
/* free shares */
return result;
* API defined by the Cryptographic Engineering Research Group (CREG) from
* George Mason University (GMU) in their call for protected software
* implementations of NIST LWC finalists.
#include "api.h"
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_M];
} mask_m_uint32_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_C];
} mask_c_uint32_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_AD];
} mask_ad_uint32_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_NPUB];
} mask_npub_uint32_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t shares[NUM_SHARES_KEY];
} mask_key_uint32_t;
int crypto_aead_encrypt_shared(
mask_c_uint32_t* cs, unsigned long long *clen,
const mask_m_uint32_t *ms, unsigned long long mlen,
const mask_ad_uint32_t *ads, unsigned long long adlen,
const mask_npub_uint32_t *npubs,
const mask_key_uint32_t *ks
int crypto_aead_decrypt_shared(
mask_m_uint32_t* ms, unsigned long long *mlen,
const mask_c_uint32_t *cs, unsigned long long clen,
const mask_ad_uint32_t *ads, unsigned long long adlen,
const mask_npub_uint32_t *npubs,
const mask_key_uint32_t *ks
void generate_shares_encrypt(
const unsigned char *m, mask_m_uint32_t *ms, const unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char *ad, mask_ad_uint32_t *ads, const unsigned long long adlen,
const unsigned char *npub, mask_npub_uint32_t *npubs,
const unsigned char *k, mask_key_uint32_t *ks
void generate_shares_decrypt(
//const unsigned char *c, mask_m_uint32_t *cs, const unsigned long long clen,
const unsigned char *c, mask_c_uint32_t *cs, const unsigned long long clen,
const unsigned char *ad, mask_ad_uint32_t *ads, const unsigned long long adlen,
const unsigned char *npub, mask_npub_uint32_t *npubs,
const unsigned char *k, mask_key_uint32_t *ks
void combine_shares_encrypt(
const mask_c_uint32_t *cs, unsigned char *c, unsigned long long clen
void combine_shares_decrypt(
const mask_m_uint32_t *ms, unsigned char *m, unsigned long long mlen
#ifndef GIFT128_H_
#define GIFT128_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#define KEY_SIZE 16
#define GIFT128_BLOCK_SIZE 16
extern void gift128_keyschedule(const uint8_t* key, uint32_t* rkey, const uint8_t* key_m);
extern void giftb128_encrypt_block(uint8_t* out_block, const uint32_t* rkey, const uint8_t* in_block);
#endif // GIFT128_H_
\ No newline at end of file
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# GIFT-COFB software implementation protected against 1st-order side-channel attacks
This repository contain software implementations of [GIFT-COFB](, one of the finalists of the [NIST LWC competition](
These implementations were written to answer the [call for protected software implementations]( issued by the [Cryptographic Engineering Research Group]( from George Mason University, and therefore follow the proposed API.
Note that the implementations require an external `randombytes` function with the following prototype:
`void randombytes(unsigned char *,unsigned long long);`
in order to generate the shares used as masks.
More details about the implementations and countermeasures are given in `Documents/documentation.pdf`.
...@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ extern "C" { ...@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ extern "C" {
#include "stm32f7xx_ll_usart.h" #include "stm32f7xx_ll_usart.h"
#include "stm32f7xx.h" #include "stm32f7xx.h"
#include "stm32f7xx_ll_gpio.h" #include "stm32f7xx_ll_gpio.h"
#include "stm32f7xx_ll_rng.h"
#include "stm32f7xx_hal_rng.h"
#if defined(USE_FULL_ASSERT) #if defined(USE_FULL_ASSERT)
#include "stm32_assert.h" #include "stm32_assert.h"
#include <stdint.h>
void init_rng(void);
void randombytes(unsigned char* x, unsigned long long len);
uint32_t rand32(void);
#endif /* RANDOMBYTES_H_ */
...@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ ...@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
...@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ ...@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
#define USE_RTOS 0U #define USE_RTOS 0U
#define ART_ACCLERATOR_ENABLE 0U /* To enable instruction cache and prefetch */ #define ART_ACCLERATOR_ENABLE 0U /* To enable instruction cache and prefetch */
#define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RNG register callback disabled */
/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */ /* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
/** /**
* @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
...@@ -44,9 +44,13 @@ Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_dma.c \ ...@@ -44,9 +44,13 @@ Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_dma.c \
Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_rcc.c \ Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_rcc.c \
Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_utils.c \ Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_utils.c \
Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_exti.c \ Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_exti.c \
Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_ll_rng.c \
Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_hal_rng.c \
Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_hal.c \
Src/system_stm32f7xx.c \ Src/system_stm32f7xx.c \
Src/test.c \ Src/test.c \
Src/uartp.c \ Src/uartp.c \
Src/randombytes.c \
# ASM sources # ASM sources
...@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ ...@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */ /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
#include "test.h" #include "test.h"
#include "randombytes.h"
/* USER CODE END Includes */ /* USER CODE END Includes */
...@@ -43,7 +44,6 @@ ...@@ -43,7 +44,6 @@
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
...@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ void SystemClock_Config(void); ...@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ void SystemClock_Config(void);
static void MX_GPIO_Init(void); static void MX_GPIO_Init(void);
static void MX_USART2_UART_Init(void); static void MX_USART2_UART_Init(void);
static void MX_USART3_UART_Init(void); static void MX_USART3_UART_Init(void);
...@@ -81,7 +82,6 @@ int main(void) ...@@ -81,7 +82,6 @@ int main(void)
/* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */
...@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ int main(void) ...@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ int main(void)
test_setup(); test_setup();
...@@ -167,6 +168,8 @@ void SystemClock_Config(void) ...@@ -167,6 +168,8 @@ void SystemClock_Config(void)
} }
/** /**
* @brief USART2 Initialization Function * @brief USART2 Initialization Function
* @param None * @param None
#include "randombytes.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "stm32f7xx.h"
#include <stdint.h>
RNG_HandleTypeDef hrng;
void init_rng(void)
hrng.Instance = RNG;
if (HAL_RNG_Init(&hrng) != HAL_OK) {
uint32_t rand32(void) {
uint32_t myrndnum=0;
HAL_RNG_GenerateRandomNumber(&hrng, &myrndnum);
return myrndnum;
void randombytes(unsigned char* x, unsigned long long len) {
while (len >= 4) {
*(uint32_t*)x = rand32();
x += 4;
len -= 4;
if (len == 0) return;
uint32_t rnd = rand32();
while (len) {
*x = rnd;
rnd >>= 8;
/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
* File Name : stm32f7xx_hal_msp.c
* Description : This file provides code for the MSP Initialization
* and de-Initialization codes.
* @attention
* <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2022 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
/* USER CODE END Header */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
/* USER CODE END Includes */
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Define */
/* USER CODE END Define */
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE END Macro */
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* External functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN ExternalFunctions */
/* USER CODE END ExternalFunctions */
* Initializes the Global MSP.
void HAL_MspInit(void)
/* USER CODE BEGIN MspInit 0 */
/* USER CODE END MspInit 0 */
/* System interrupt init*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN MspInit 1 */
/* USER CODE END MspInit 1 */
* @brief RNG MSP Initialization
* This function configures the hardware resources used in this example
* @param hrng: RNG handle pointer
* @retval None
void HAL_RNG_MspInit(RNG_HandleTypeDef* hrng)
/* USER CODE END RNG_MspInit 0 */
/* Peripheral clock enable */
/* USER CODE END RNG_MspInit 1 */
* @brief RNG MSP De-Initialization
* This function freeze the hardware resources used in this example
* @param hrng: RNG handle pointer
* @retval None
void HAL_RNG_MspDeInit(RNG_HandleTypeDef* hrng)
/* USER CODE END RNG_MspDeInit 0 */
/* Peripheral clock disable */
/* USER CODE END RNG_MspDeInit 1 */
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
...@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ ...@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
mv -n *.dat *.inc *.h Inc/ mv -n *.dat *.inc *.h Inc/
[ -f ./build ] && rm ./build [ -f ./build ] && rm ./build
[ -f src/encrypt.c ] && sed -i src/encrypt.c -e "s/\(\s\)init(/\1_init(/g" [ -f src/encrypt.c ] && sed -i src/encrypt.c -e "s/\(\s\)init(/\1_init(/g"
mkdir -p /tmp/f7/Drivers cp -r /home/sr/PhD/research/lwc/compare/templates/f7/Drivers Drivers/
ln -s /tmp/f7/Drivers Drivers
make make
...@@ -13,9 +12,6 @@ mv build/f7.bin . ...@@ -13,9 +12,6 @@ mv build/f7.bin .
mv build/f7.hex . mv build/f7.hex .
mv build/f7.elf . mv build/f7.elf .
rm -rf ./Drivers
rm -rf ./build/
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