Commit 8e1cd1f0 by Maxime Chéramy

add comment to Kato et al. tasksets generator

explanation taken from Portioned EDF-based scheduling on multiprocessors

fixes #18
parent 63dab2a5
......@@ -187,6 +187,13 @@ def gen_kato_utilizations(nsets, umin, umax, target_util):
Kato et al. tasksets generator.
A task set Γ is generated as follows. A new periodic task is appended
to Γ as long as U(Γ) ≤ Utot is satisfied. For each task τi, its
utilization Ui is computed based on a uniform distribution within the
range of [Umin, Umax]. Only the utilization of the task generated at the
very end is adjusted so that U(Γ) becomes equal to Utot (thus the Umin
constraint might not be satisfied for this task).
- `nsets`: Number of tasksets to generate.
- `umin`: Minimum task utilization.
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